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Cosy Cover

Cosy Cover

Suitable for a child who has outgrown the leg room in the Excel Elise Footmuff or if your child does not like to be fully enclosed.

Helps to keep your child dry and shielded from cold wind.

Waterproof cover with soft brushed polycotton cotton lining for warmth and comfort, elasticated all round. A 'smart' blanket.

Elasticated end fits over the footplate, at the top the Cosy Cover has straps which attach to the pushchair frame.

Tailored to bend at the knee the elasticated sides and top contract around the child to reduce drafts and protect from the weather.

Size (approx.) 100cm long x 70cm wide (flat) 415g

VAT EXEMPT - you will need to confirm in the checkout that you are eligible for VAT Relief because you are buying this for a child due to their medical condition

Total Price£24.00 (including delivery and when exempt from VAT at 20%)